Friday, January 10, 2014

It's Raining Diamonds!

It Just Might be Raining Diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn

       Do you like jewels, precious stones? Then you will certainly like this news! It might be raining diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn right now! chunks of diamond may be floating in helium and hydrogen fluid in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. But there's more! at even lower depths the extreme pressure and temperature can melt the diamonds, literally causing liquid diamond rain, said researchers. This new information that has  confirmed that at depth, diamonds may be floating around inside Saturn. Some might even grow so large that they could be called "diamondbergs!"  But why are so many diamonds forming only on Saturn and Jupiter? Diamonds can form when elemental carbon, such as graphite or soot created by huge lightning storms on Saturn,falls into the deep atmosphere of the planet where it is crushed into the gem, say planetary scientists Mona Delitsky and Kevin Baines, who conducted the research for this topic.


My Opinion

         My opinion is that we have a lot to discover in space, such as these diamonds. We might even find life on an other planet or even find a way to live on Mars! The universe is very big and we are a minuscule thing compared to the universe. But this also means  that we have a lot to learn and discover. We are prospering everyday, discovering new things. The diamond discovery is only part of our discoveries. We have made mistakes with a few of these discoveries, but we make sure to try to fix them.

This video shows more about the diamond rain, and also more on how they form. It also talks about a book called "Alien Seas," which has a picture that shows future mining robots. These robots might be used to mine the diamond from Jupiter and Saturn.

Think Matters

  I showed one discovery on space but there are man more. But I wonder if any other planets have diamonds on them/ I challenge you to research jis and comment on it.


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